“Foundation 15” – 15 Fundamental Weight Training Exercises for Beginners


15 Fundamental Weight Training Exercises for Beginners

I receive a lot of questions from people who would like to start a weight training program but don’t want to pay exorbitant fees for a personal trainer, I mean you bought that $10 membership for a reason right?! Many have no clue where to start, what to do or even how to use the equipment.  You get a membership, show up at the gym and then just get on the treadmill or elliptical because you have no clue where to begin. Sound familiar? It is intimidating when you enter a gym full of equipment and machines that are foreign to you. You don’t want to look like you don’t know what you’re doing (while you try to discreetly read the example on the side of the machine) or risk the roid rager yelling at you for getting in his way. I am going to share some basic workouts that can be done with a weightlifting barbell, plates in various weight and a bench. You can also use the Smith Machine or “squat rack”, if you would like, for assistance (I’ll give examples below).

First, I would recommend figuring out what your goal is, toning muscle vs strengthening muscle. Do you want to build and gain muscle strength or size or are you looking to achieve muscle endurance and maybe just tone or define your muscles?

Endurance – For endurance, your resistance-training program should include 5 to 8 exercises that work the major muscle groups of your body for 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions with ~1 minute rest between sets. The weight that you select should challenge your muscles, but not cause extreme fatigue after 10 repetitions. You should aim to participate in a minimum of two or three days of resistance training weekly with a day of rest between sessions.

Build Strength – To build strength, your resistance-training program should include 5 to 8 exercises that target all major muscle groups for 2 to 3 sets of 5 to 8 repetitions with ~2-3 minute rest between sets. The weight that you choose should be challenging, and you should expect to experience extreme fatigue by eight repetitions. If you can go over 8, then you need to up the weight. Like muscular endurance-focused programs, muscular-strengthening programs should be added to your fitness routine for a minimum of two or three days per week with a day of rest between sessions.

Monday: Lower Body

Warm Up – Brisk walk or jog on the treadmill 5-10 mins at 4-6 Speed and 1-3 Incline


Overhand grip, hands and feet shoulder width apart, bar behind neck, back straight, chest out, chin up. Squat down until your butt is just below the knee, thighs parallel to the ground. There are varying squat depths that can be assessed as you progress. The lower you squat, the harder it is to come upright and can be dangerous for knees if you don’t know what you are doing.

Image result for back squats with bar


  1. You will typically either find an “Olympic bar” on the bench press rack or most gyms have a couple spare bars in that general vicinity as the bar is used for most exercises. You can also use a squat rack for assistance. This typically contains the bar attached to the rack and you will choose your weight, using the pin in the weight stack, to determine the amount of weight you are using. Unhook the bar and the machine will guide you as you squat. These are great if you do not have anyone with you to “spot” you in case you need assistance.Image result for weightlifting bar
  2. Start with just the bar to assess the weight and how much you can handle. The largest bar is typically 45 lbs. Once you are comfortable, you can add your weighted plates to the each side of the bar.
  3. Make sure that you use the clamps on each side of the bar when you add weight. You do not want your plates to slide off either side. These can typically be found either on a bar already, near the plates or in the general vicinity of the benches and bars.
  4. Make sure that you use proper technique for a perfect squat.
  5. Most gyms have a pad that you can place on the bar to support your neck/upper back since the added weight can place some pressure on this area.

Image result for barbell padding

FRONT SQUATS (Bar across collar bone)

  Image result for front squat


  1. The Smith Machine (Squat rack) may be the best place to start this exercise to get the proper form as it requires some balance and strength.
  2. Start with just the bar to get familiar with the exercise and then add weight once you feel that you are comfortable with the form since the added weight will require even more balance and strength.
THRUSTERS (Barbell Squat Press)

Hands shoulder width apart, overhand grip, bring bar from thighs up to collar bone while squatting (Clean). Then press bar above head.

Image result for thrusters


  1. Again, start with the bar (maybe even a lighter bar) to assess proper thruster technique as this exercise requires multiple muscle groups and techniques.

Over/under grip or overhand grip, straight back, chin up, feet wider than shoulder width with toes pointing outward. Keeping back straight, bring bar from ground up to thighs with shoulders back and lock it. Squat down bringing bar to the ground and repeat.

Image result for sumo deadliftImage result for sumo deadlift


  1. Think of a Sumo Wrestler with a big belly squatting to the ground.
  2. Try to keep your back as straight as possible, taking care not to bend over when picking up the bar. This can really strain and hurt your back if done improperly.


Using bar, dumbbells or plates in hand, lift your body up to your toes and hold for 3-5 seconds.

Image result for weighted calf raisesImage result for weighted calf raises


  1. You can use Smith Machine for support, as well as, using plates or a box underneath your feet to allow for more extension of the calves as shown in the picture.

Wednesday: Upper Body

Warm Up – Brisk walk or jog on the treadmill 5-10 mins at 4-6 Speed and 1-3 Incline


Laying on bench, hands shoulder width apart, keeping feet planted, press bar up until arms are straight and locked. Bring bar down to chest and repeat.

Image result for pench press


  1. This can be done using the Smith Machine as well for assistance. Especially, as you move up in weight and need someone to spot you.


Bring bar down to chest with elbows on each side of chest, keeping arms close to body.

Image result for reverse grip bench press


  1. You can use Smith Machine as shown in picture above until you are comfortable enough to use free weight or if you are adding weight the machine will help to assist.
  2. Adjusting the bench to an incline will target more upper chest muscles and decline will target lower. (There is an adjustment underneath the bench to adjust to incline or decline)
BARBELL CURLS (Underhand Grip)

Hands facing upward (underhand grip), shoulder width apart, back straight, chest out. Bring bar from upper thighs, keeping your elbows at your sides, bringing bar to chest and back down.


  1. Start with bar and work your way up in weight.
  2. Make sure to utilize weight clamps to hold plates on each side.
  3. Keep elbows in next to your rib cage, making sure not to allow your elbows to move outward from body.
  4. Go slow and concentrate on your form and muscles being worked.
BARBELL CURLS (Overhand Grip)

Hands facing downward (Overhand grip), shoulder width apart, back straight, chest out. Bring bar from upper thighs, keeping your elbows at your sides, bringing bar to chest and back down.


On Smith Machine or Squat Rack, adjust barbell so you are at an incline from the ground. Feet on ground, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, back straight, legs straight, pull yourself up so chin comes above the bar and slowly back down.

Image result for pull ups on smith machine Image result for pull ups on smith machine


  1. To increase difficulty, place your feet on an exercise ball. You may need assistance for this as it requires a lot of stability.
  2. You can modify this by bending your knees to start vs. straight legs until you increase your upper body strength.
  3. Focus on keeping your core engaged and keep butt from sagging. You want to use upper body and not lower body to get yourself up.

Friday: Full Body

Warm Up – Brisk walk or jog on the treadmill 5-10 mins at 4-6 Speed and 1-3 Incline


Feet shoulder width apart, hands overhand wider than shoulder width, bar on upper back behind neck, back straight, chest out, bringing back straight down to hip level and back up.

Image result for good mornings exercise


  1. Do this exercise slowly being careful to maintain good form,  especially as you add weight so you do not strain your back.
  2. Make sure to keep your chest out and chin up with your back as straight as possible.

Feet shoulder width apart, hands overhand shoulder width apart, back straight, chest out, chin up. Bring bar from shin level, up to chest, squeezing shoulder blades together, elbows outward.

Image result for barbell bent over row exercise


  1. Make sure to squeeze should blades together at the top, really pinching the center of your upper back.
  2. Keep back flat to reduce any back strain.

Feet shoulder width apart, hands shoulder width apart (Overhand or over-under grip), chest out, chin up, core engaged. From ground, bring bar up to hips.

Image result for deadliftImage result for deadlift


  1. Do not, sway your back or lift the bar off the floor by locking out your legs so your back is bent over the bar.
  2. Maintain the erect position, chin up and chest up pulling all the way up until you are at arms length and the bar is stopped at thigh level.
  3. Make sure to maintain proper deadlift form to prevent injury.

Using dumbbells, kettle bells, plates or some gyms have bars with handles specifically for this exercise. Hold weight next to body, shoulders back, chest out, chin up, core engaged, walk down ~10 steps and walk back.

Image result for farmer's walk exerciseImage result for farmer's walk exerciseImage result for farmer's walk exercise


  1. Keep shoulders back and chest out, do not slouch or lean forward or back.
  2. There are weight lifting wrist support gloves that have hooks specific for this type of exercise that provide assistance in carrying the weight.

Performing an elbow plank, place a weighted plate on mid to lower back and hold for 3 sets 90 secs, 60 secs, 30 secs.

Image result for weighted plank


  1. Keep back flat and core engaged.
  2. Do not place weight on upper back.
  3. Start with lighter weight to assess proper form.

Lastly, make sure that you follow gym etiquette. Most gyms have signs or rules, but typical gym etiquette includes the following.

  1. Bring a towel or use paper towels or cleaning cloths provided to wipe equipment down after using. No one wants to get on a bench full of sweat. Dont leave towels on the bench or floor.
  2. Put equipment and weights back after using.
  3. Be respectful of others waiting to use equipment. If others are waiting, switch off reps or get your workout done and move. Don’t be that guy resting on the bench for 10 mins on their phone while people are waiting to use the equipment you’re on.
  4. Be aware of how much weight you can lift. You don’t want to be the guy dropping weights and making the “klunk alarm” go off. No one wants to be distracted while lifting.


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